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a picture of a mother and child


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| 06 July 2012

Ending Unsafe Abortion in Asia

This short film examines the effects of criminalizing abortion in the region through the lens of women. Nearly half of all abortions worldwide are illegal and most illegal abortions are taking place in developing countries. Over 3 million unsafe abortions happen yearly in this region, with poor and rural women more likely to experience severe complications as they depend on unsafe methods and providers.


| 06 July 2012

Ending Unsafe Abortion in Asia

This short film examines the effects of criminalizing abortion in the region through the lens of women. Nearly half of all abortions worldwide are illegal and most illegal abortions are taking place in developing countries. Over 3 million unsafe abortions happen yearly in this region, with poor and rural women more likely to experience severe complications as they depend on unsafe methods and providers.


| 06 March 2011

Girls Decide: Halimah's Journey, Indonesia

Halimah was 17 when she made this film. This is the story of what happened when she first had unprotected sex: how she was ostracised by her family and thrown out of school, and how she felt that her future had been taken away. Things looked bleak for Halimah but that’s not quite the end of the story...


| 06 March 2011

Girls Decide: Halimah's Journey, Indonesia

Halimah was 17 when she made this film. This is the story of what happened when she first had unprotected sex: how she was ostracised by her family and thrown out of school, and how she felt that her future had been taken away. Things looked bleak for Halimah but that’s not quite the end of the story...


| 06 July 2012

Ending Unsafe Abortion in Asia

This short film examines the effects of criminalizing abortion in the region through the lens of women. Nearly half of all abortions worldwide are illegal and most illegal abortions are taking place in developing countries. Over 3 million unsafe abortions happen yearly in this region, with poor and rural women more likely to experience severe complications as they depend on unsafe methods and providers.


| 06 July 2012

Ending Unsafe Abortion in Asia

This short film examines the effects of criminalizing abortion in the region through the lens of women. Nearly half of all abortions worldwide are illegal and most illegal abortions are taking place in developing countries. Over 3 million unsafe abortions happen yearly in this region, with poor and rural women more likely to experience severe complications as they depend on unsafe methods and providers.


| 06 March 2011

Girls Decide: Halimah's Journey, Indonesia

Halimah was 17 when she made this film. This is the story of what happened when she first had unprotected sex: how she was ostracised by her family and thrown out of school, and how she felt that her future had been taken away. Things looked bleak for Halimah but that’s not quite the end of the story...


| 06 March 2011

Girls Decide: Halimah's Journey, Indonesia

Halimah was 17 when she made this film. This is the story of what happened when she first had unprotected sex: how she was ostracised by her family and thrown out of school, and how she felt that her future had been taken away. Things looked bleak for Halimah but that’s not quite the end of the story...