The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) was one of the eight founding Member - Associations of IPPF. FPAHK was established in 1950 and has a distinguished history as one of the foremost proponents of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and the belief that good family planning is an essential component in the health and well-being of both the individual and society as a whole.
FPAHK works through 17 service delivery points, including 9 permanent clinics, 1 activity and resource center, 1 mobile classroom and 6 community-based distributors/community-based services (CBDs/CBSs). Its services include contraception, abortion, pre-marital and pre-pregnancy check-up, treatment/consultation on subfertility, women’s health service, cervical cancer screening, menopause, men’s health service and sex therapy. The organization also offers counselling to young people and couples with emotional or relationship issues.
FPAHK provides family life and sexuality education to students and training to parents, teachers and professionals. It develops resources and services to promote delivery of sexuality education. It conducts clinical and sociological research in areas pertaining to sexuality, fertility regulation and population. It raises public awareness of the importance of SRH through various media channels.
Its 6 Women’s Clubs collaborate with key community partners to promote SRH and well-being amongst women and their families, and women’s empowerment. It advocates and contributes to government policies on sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Hong Kong
East and South East Asia and Oceania

10th Floor, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong