2024 Highlights: A Year of Resilience…
In 2024, against a backdrop of challenges, remarkable strides were made in advancing sexual and…
Solidarity For Change 2024: IPPF ESEAOR…
Engaging presentations, insightful panel discussions, and a dynamic exchange of ideas on the…
Thailand Paves the Way for Marriage…
In a monumental step forward, Thailand's Senate passed the
The Rainbow Wave for Marriage Equality
Tracking the Progress of Marriage Equality Worldwide
Behind Bars, Beyond Boundaries:…
The issue of addressing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) within Indonesia's prisons…
Advancing LGBTQ+ Inclusion through…
In the bustling province of Battambang, Cambodia, the LGBTQ+ community encounters significant barr
Championing Change: A Community-Led…
The RAJAH Community Centre provides a safe space for HIV testing and support services, free from…
Strengthening Rights, Equitable Access…
In a significant development towards improving access to contraception and advancing reproductive
Spotlight on Progress: Efforts to End…
Violence against women and girls is one of the
a poem by Mamta Sylviya Chand
Anticipated Global Impacts of a…
The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is concerned by the grave implications that
Media Matters: Addressing Election…
By Malarvili Meganathan, Regional Communications, Media and Voice Advisor IPPF ESEAOR
Youth OCEANs: Empowering A New Wave of…
In the vast Pacific, our young people face many challenges when it comes to sexual and reproductiv
Featured Perspectives
Final Report Workshop on Fertility and…
Addressing some of the most significant societal shifts of our time—declining fertility rates and…
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in…
Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA/PKBI) has taken proactive steps to combat FGM/C…
Asia Pacific Contraception Policy Atlas
The Contraception Policy Atlas Asia Pacific Region 2023, the first intraregional comparative tool,…
Building Back Equal in the Asia Pacific…
This policy brief provides an overview of the current context and describes the challenges and…
Final Report Workshop on Fertility and…
Addressing some of the most significant societal shifts of our time—declining fertility rates and…
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in…
Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA/PKBI) has taken proactive steps to combat FGM/C…
Asia Pacific Contraception Policy Atlas
The Contraception Policy Atlas Asia Pacific Region 2023, the first intraregional comparative tool,…
Building Back Equal in the Asia Pacific…
This policy brief provides an overview of the current context and describes the challenges and…
Empowering Media Professionals to…
IPPF ESEAOR and AIBD jointly organised a comprehensive media training programme focused on content…
Redefining Media Activism: A Gender…
“A Gender Progressive Approach to Understanding the Fallacies of Performative Media Activism" - a…
Equality Now: Youth Leaders Call for…
The Youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Network in East & Southeast Asia and…
Empowering Content Creators in Low-…
IPPF welcomes new Executive Director…
Planned Parenthood Association Thailand (PPAT) has a new Executive Director!
Celebrating 30th anniversary of VINAFPA…
The Vietnam Family Planning Association (VINAFPA) commemorated its 30th anniversary with a ceremon
The Global Forum on International…
The Global Forum on International Population Trends and ODA – Marriage and Gender Perceptions of Y
Regional Quality of Care Workshop in…
IPPF ESEAOR Regional Director, Tomoko Fukuda emphasized on the importance of person-centered care
Media center
Press Release: New Report Sheds Light on Anti-Rights Actors in the Asia-Pacific Region
For immediate release
IPPF ESEAOR Urges Pacific Governments to Address Barriers Facing LGBTIQA+ Communities
Suva/Kuala Lumpur, 28 November 2024- Recent reports from across the Pacific highlight the increasing challenges faced by the LGBT
IPPF Expresses Concern Over Eviction of IPPA Headquarters After 55 Years in South Jakarta
IPPF expresses profound concern over the forced eviction that took place on the 10th of July in South Jakarta.
IPPF ESEAOR Welcomes Landmark Ruling Declaring Japan's Forced Sterilisation Unconstitutional
IPPF ESEAOR welcomes Japan’s Supreme Court ruling that declares eugenics law practices unconstitutional; mandates government compensation for forced…
IPPF ESEAOR Condemns Violence Against Transgender People and Sex Workers, Urges Immediate Action to Protect Human Rights in Fiji
IPPF ESEAOR strongly condemns the violent attack on Esther, a 19-year-old transgender woman and sex worker in Fiji.
IPPF Welcomes Thailand's Historic Step Towards Marriage Equality in Southeast Asia
The legislative shift will enable Thailand to recognise the marriages of partners of any gender aged 18 and older, extending comprehensive …
For media inquiries
+44(0)20 7939 7227