| 31 March 2016
China Family Planning Association
The China Family Planning Association (CFPA) plays an important role in providing information and education and promoting voluntary family planning in China. Thanks to its millions of volunteers throughout the country, CFPA provides Chinese people with family planning, maternal and child health, healthier childbearing and adolescent sexual and reproductive health, both information and services. The CFPA's main target groups are the vulnerable ones such as women of reproductive age in economically less developed areas, the young people between 10-24 years old, the migrants and the ethnics in the remote areas. These people often lack both the knowledge and the skills to improve their health and status and the access to reproductive health information and education. In recent years, a nationwide 'Reproductive Care Campaign', has been implemented at the grassroot level throughout the country. This campaign benefits millions of ordinary women, men and young people, not only provide information, education and services in reproductive health, but also promote rights awareness. Such contributes towards the building of a harmonious society. Through the Democratic Participation in Society (DPS) Project, CFPA helps to protect the legal rights of Chinese citizens especially in the area of reproductive health.

| 31 March 2016
Cook Islands Family Welfare Association
Established in 1987, The Cook Islands Family Welfare Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the people of Cook Islands with safe, quality and affordable sexual and reproductive health care services and education. Our Vision: Safe Sexual Reproductive Health For All Our Mission: To provide quality sexual reproductive health information and services that are accessible and affordable to all, especially working with young and disadvantaged groups in the Cook Islands. CIFWA operates one static clinic in Rarotonga and maintains three regular mobile clinics. We also conduct health outreach services in the outer Islands. CIFWA has forged partnerships with a number of public and private agencies so that we can deliver SRHR services to as many people as possible.

| 31 March 2016
Family Health Association of Korea (FHAK)
Family Health Association of Korea (FHAK) was established in 1990 in Pyongyang as a non-profit organization that provides sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services including family planning (FP). FHAK joined IPPF as an associate member on June 22nd, 1991 and gained full membership in November 1995. We are committed to providing SRH services including modern FP methods as well as SRH information through information, education and communications materials to the population in rural and mountainous areas. Every year, FHAK delivers around 410,000 sexual and reproductive health services to 114,000 clients through 257 service delivery points, including 9 permanent clinics and 8 mobile facilities and 240 associated health facilities (AHFs).

| 31 March 2016
Family Planning Alliance Australia
FPAA is a long-standing alliance of the key sexual and reproductive health organisations from each of the Australian states and territories and is their national policy and advocacy voice. Through the IPPF network FPAA links internationally with organisations of like mind, to further sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. Our work cuts across national government strategies and policy frameworks in the portfolios of health, education, gendered violence, e-safety, child sexual abuse and international development. FPAA members provide a wide range of integrated sexual and reproductive health services that include health promotion, prevention, early intervention, diagnosis, treatment and support. We build capacity and strengthen systems by translating the best available evidence into information and education for individuals, community, and health professionals. We are inspired by working in partnership with our priority populations which include people who are: young women of diverse genders and sexualities Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander of all abilities of all cultures While services, collaborations and cross-referral pathways may vary in each state or territory, our work is always intersectional. We feel privileged to be contributing to the bigger picture.

| 31 March 2016
Family Planning Association of Hong Kong
The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) was one of the eight founding Member - Associations of IPPF. FPAHK was established in 1950 and has a distinguished history as one of the foremost proponents of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and the belief that good family planning is an essential component in the health and well-being of both the individual and society as a whole. FPAHK works through 17 service delivery points, including 9 permanent clinics, 1 activity and resource center, 1 mobile classroom and 6 community-based distributors/community-based services (CBDs/CBSs). Its services include contraception, abortion, pre-marital and pre-pregnancy check-up, treatment/consultation on subfertility, women’s health service, cervical cancer screening, menopause, men’s health service and sex therapy. The organization also offers counselling to young people and couples with emotional or relationship issues. FPAHK provides family life and sexuality education to students and training to parents, teachers and professionals. It develops resources and services to promote delivery of sexuality education. It conducts clinical and sociological research in areas pertaining to sexuality, fertility regulation and population. It raises public awareness of the importance of SRH through various media channels. Its 6 Women’s Clubs collaborate with key community partners to promote SRH and well-being amongst women and their families, and women’s empowerment. It advocates and contributes to government policies on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

| 31 March 2016
Family Planning Organization of the Philippines
The Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) is the largest and most prominent non-governmental family planning organization in the Philippines. It seeks to secure universal access to quality family planning information education and services, with a view to enabling people to make active personal decisions about their sexual and reproductive health (SRH). FPOP aims to mobilize public support for the individual’s right to practise family planning and as a result, a major target is young people. Additionally, there is a real need in the Philippines for men to take a more active role in family planning and parenting, and FPOP is at the forefront of developing and implementing strategies to achieve this objective. It operates more than 1,100 services points, including 29 permanent and 27 mobile clinics and has a network of over 1,000 community-based distributors/community-based services (CBDs/CBSs). Clinics provide voluntary surgical contraception, reversible contraception, medical and laboratory services, and fertility awareness advice. The delivery models which FPOP has developed have been adopted and replicated by public health authorities, and FPOP has significant advisory input to the national SRH policy agenda.