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Healthcare worker

IPPF Regulations

IPPF’s Regulations set out the organization’s internal governance structure and the powers and responsibilities of its governing bodies.

IPPF’s Regulations set out the organization’s internal governance structure and the powers and responsibilities of its governing bodies. The Regulations adopted by the Governing Council on May 15-16 include several key changes to institute the set of reforms agreed by the General Assembly, as follows:

General Assembly

The Regulations define IPPF as a Federation of Member Associations, and establish a General Assembly (GA) of these members as the highest governing body of IPPF. The GA shall: 

  • Meet once every three years.
  • Comprise representatives from all MAs (though only full members vote), the Board of Trustees (BoT), and the Nominations and Governance Committee.
  • Review and approve the overall strategic direction of the Federation.
  • Appoint Nominations and Governance Committee members.
  • Confirm BoT members.
  • Have the power to remove Trustees by two-thirds majority.
  • Approve amendments to the Regulations.
  • Confirm amendments to the Procedural Byelaws.

Nominations and Governance Committee

The Regulations establish a Nominations and Governance Committee (NGC) that shall:

  • Comprise 7 members with a majority of its membership coming from the MAs, with at least 50% women and 20% youth.
  • Have a term up to three years, with a maximum of two terms per member.
  • Be accountable to the General Assembly.
  • Recruit members of BoT and Board sub-committees.
  • Evaluate the performance of BoT and sub-committees.

Board of Trustees

The Regulations create a Board of Trustees (BOT) to govern IPPF according to the strategic direction set by the General Assembly. The BoT shall:

  • Comprise 15 members (9 from MAs and 6 non-MA), at least 50% women and at least 20% youth under 25 years of age who meet specific profiles on expertise, skills and experience.
  • Have a term up to three years, with a maximum of two terms per Trustee.
  • Elect its Chair for a three-year term and the Chairs of the Board’s Committees.
  • Have the power to appoint, support, oversee, evaluate the performance of, and dismiss the Director-General.
  • Establish policies and amend Procedural Byelaws subject to the GA confirmation.

In addition, the Regulations:

  • Establish that the BoT can meet virtually and face-to-face.
  • Harmonize the role of the Independent Complaints Panel with that of the Board of Trustees in terms of suspension and expulsion of a Trustee.

Membership of the Federation

Key changes with regard to membership include:

  • Introduction of the possibility for an MA to resign from IPPF membership.
  • Introduction of the possibility for IPPF to consider loss of membership following the MA’s winding up.
  • Introduction of non-transferability of IPPF membership to another organization.
