In the wake of the devastation caused by Cyclone Winston, IPPF-SPRINT is responding to ensure that essential reproductive and sexual health services are provided to affected communities in Fiji. The Australian Government has committed 100,000 Australian dollars to IPPF-SPRINT to reach out to an estimate of 84,250 women of reproductive age.
IPPF East & South East Asia and Oceania Region, is responding to the humanitarian crisis through its member association, the Reproductive and Family Health Association of Fiji.
“Cyclone Winston is the strongest recorded tropical storm to hit Fiji and it has severely affected communities across the country. It is essential that every effort is made to ensure that pregnant women, nursing and lactating mothers receive essential reproductive health services at this critical time” said Michael Sami, Head of IPPF Sub-Regional Office in the Pacific.
“Our teams of nurses, medical staff and volunteers, including youth, will be deployed and become part of the national response. We shall provide clean and safe delivery kits, hygiene and dignity kits and reproductive health care services”.
Among affected population, SPRINT-ESEAOR will continue to provide services such as pregnancy care, childbirth care, postnatal care, prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections and HIV, and prevention and management of gender-based violence.
For more information and interviews with IPPF working in Suva please contact Michael Sami at +679 7773070
Emergency Rescue
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